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What is Nutrilak?
Probiotics, meaning "for life" are live bacteria cultures, believed to restore or enhance the natural flora in the gut. In other words, probiotics increase the number of food-processing bugs present in the gut and improve efficiency. When prescribing antibiotics -- which can upset digestion by killing off beneficial intestinal bacteria along with pathogens elsewhere in the body -- some veterinarians suggest giving probiotics.
Many years ago, a pasture would have contained numerous types of grasses and plants which provided beneficial nutrients and bacteria for horses. Today, the typical pasture only contains a few varieties of plants or grasses. So, generally there are not enough probiotics found in a horse's normal environment to help them in times of need.
Realistically, there will be times when situations involving stress or change cannot be avoided. If the good and bad bacteria do not remain in balance, the horse may have problems digesting their food or assimilating the nutrients properly. This can result in weight problems, skin and hoof problems, or health problems such as diarrhea. If your horse is not feeling well, this can also effect their behavior and performance.
Nutrilak contains lactic beneficial live Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium organisms, MOS (mannan oligosaccharides) glucomannans and FOS (fructose oligosaccharides) combined with nutritious palatable fermentation solubles.
General Use Rates
Foals: Daily with 1st meal of each day / 1st 15 days
Older Horses: 2 to 3 times per week
Stress Conditions: With each meal - 1st 48 to 72 hours
After Antibiotic treatment: With each meal for 3 to 5 days
Warning: Always consult your veterinarian before giving any supplement to your pets. Consult a veterinarian for use in pregnant or breeding animals, as safe use of this product with these animals has not been proven. Discontinue use and contact veterinarian immediately if the animal’s condition worsens or presents any adverse reaction. Federal law prohibits the un-labelled use of this product in ruminants. For animal use only. Not for human consumption. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overconsumption, contact a health professional immediately. This product should not be given to animals intended for human consumption. Petceuticals, Woofceuticals and their associated brands do not condone giving supplements to pets without prior veterinary consultation.
Avertissement : Consultez toujours votre vétérinaire avant de donner un quelconque supplément à vos animaux de compagnie. Consultez un vétérinaire pour l'utilisation chez les animaux en gestation ou reproducteurs, car la sécurité d'utilisation de ce produit chez ces animaux n'a pas été prouvée. Cesser l'utilisation et contacter immédiatement le vétérinaire si l'état de l'animal s'aggrave ou présente une quelconque réaction indésirable. La loi fédérale interdit l'utilisation non étiquetée de ce produit chez les ruminants. Pour usage animal uniquement. Ne pas utiliser pour la consommation humaine. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas de surconsommation accidentelle, contacter immédiatement un professionnel de la santé. Ce produit ne doit pas être donné aux animaux destinés à la consommation humaine. Petceuticals, Woofceuticals et leurs marques associées ne tolèrent pas l'administration de compléments alimentaires aux animaux de compagnie sans consultation vétérinaire préalable.